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Saturday, April 15

What are black eye halos? Why do you speak? How do you deal with it?


Many of us suffer from the presence of dark halos under the eye but did you know the real reason for the emergence of these halos?
The skin in an area under the eyes is very thin, showing veins in which the blood moves very close to the surface of the skin under the eye, so seeing that area is dark or semi-blue, says Dr. Diane de Viori, a dermatologist in Australia. .

With age, the skin loses its elasticity and its ability to regenerate, making the dark circles clearer, no matter how long sleep is or there is more skin care.

The genetic factor also contributes to the skin layer under the eyes, which helps in the emergence of permanent dark circles and chronic, some show him dark circles without any external factors.
Some external factors also affect corticosteroids, allergies, cosmetics, cigarette smoke, sleep disorders and air pollution help to develop dark circles.

Here are some foods that help reduce dark circles:

- Avocado: It is an anti-aging, it contains substances to help lighten dark shadows such as potassium, fiber, folic acid, vitamin B compound and vitamin E ... Can be used as slices under the eyes or make a paste by adding drops of almond oil.

Peppermint leaves: Peppermint leaves are considered to be effective treatments for these ailments. Peel the fresh mint leaves and place them on the dark circles for 5 to 10 minutes, then wipe them with a damp cotton cloth and also to cool and cool the area.

- Option: It has a great ability to constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling under the eyes as it contains antioxidant compounds of oxidation and it also works to cool the area under the eyes and helps to reduce dark circles .. It can be used by placing slices on the eyes of 10 to 15 minutes.

- Pineapple juice and turmeric: Turmeric was used in ancient Indian and Chinese medicine to treat some skin diseases and wounds.
 Turmeric also contains powerful anti-oxidants that reduce the proportion of enzymes that cause inflammation. Turmeric is not only a treatment for dark circles but also helps make the skin under the eye soft and soft.
It can be used by mixing it with pineapple juice and forming a paste placed under the eye from 10 to 15 minutes and then wipe with wet cloth.

Potatoes: Potatoes contain antioxidants, vitamin C, and many other very useful nutrients that help to lighten dark circles and reduce wrinkles. Can be used by placing two slices on the eye for 10 to 15 minutes.

- Tea bags: Red or green tea can be used in the treatment of halos to contain caffeine, antioxidants and inflammation reduces swelling under the eye and reduce blackness also .. Do not dispense with bags of tea used, just cool in the refrigerator and then put on the halos of 10 to 15 minutes.

Why should you stop cleaning your ear with dangerous cotton ear hooks? What alternative?


Some people use a stick with a piece of cotton to clean their ear of excess wax and dirt. Any person in the medical field can tell you about the amount of calamities he sees from using the cotton piece. Where there are many negative results from the hole of the ear drum to the amount of excess wax because of cleaning your ear yourself using a piece of cotton.

There are many methods that people use to clean their ear, most of the good methods we see in the doctor's clinic. Many people do not realize the danger of ear cleaning using cotton ear pins, which may lead to destruction and hearing impairment.

There are people who use the wrong means to clean the ear such as cotton, hairpins, pens, pens, paper clips, straw sticks, and other means. It is important to realize that nothing should be inserted inside the ear to clean it, it is very dangerous and leads to hearing impairment and destruction of the ear canal.

The ear canal has many specialized cells that produce the wax, the wax substance known as the earwax. In some people ear wax accumulates faster than others, resulting in an increased amount of wax forming, which causes poor hearing ability and sometimes in some cases leads to pain. To avoid visiting the doctor and the use of medical equipment, many people easily clean their ears using cotton rods to remove the excess wax as an excellent alternative to save the time they spend waiting for them if they go to the doctor's clinic, while at the same time using cotton more damage than its benefits.

Because the eardrum is easily accessible, it is thin and thin, so it is easy to tear it apart and destroy it when using the cotton piece even if it is used in a cautious manner. The perforated ear canal causes severe pain to the patient, and there may be transparent fluid coming out of the ear, and the perforated ear canal needs a long period to heal and leads to continuous hearing loss.

But the question remains: Do we really need to clean the ear away from the doctor?
But the answer remains puzzling. The outer ear we see in the eye needs good hygiene every now and then with a little soap, water and towel.
In some cases, the ear canal does not need to be cleaned during bathing or hair washing, for example, where enough water enters the ear canal, which can clean and remove the accumulated wax. In addition, the skin in the atrial canal can grow naturally in the outside of the canal, forming a spiral. Because it can be peeled, the wax can pass through it. Over time, the wax becomes loose and falls on one another during sleep. The need for a cotton piece in this case is not necessary.

For people who have a large amount of accumulated wax, they should visit a doctor, who easily removes wax by water-injected peroxide and injected into the ear, without any pain or risk, which is a very effective way to remove the accumulated wax.
The patient can use this method at home to treat himself after the doctor's permission to know the steps well and learn well.

If a person always has a wax ear in his ear, he can use proper medical care with instructions on how to clean the ear safely. It is therefore necessary to insert anything or even the fingers inside the ear, which leads to any wax or destruction of the ear canal.
To ensure that the ear is cleaned safely, you should know the proper health methods or ask your doctor.

Why multiply a negative number in a negative number that gives a positive number ?!

Let's try math (-2 * -3)

   -2 * -3 = (-1) (2) (- 1) (3)

             = (-1) (- 1) (2) (3)

             = (-1) (- 1) * 6
The question here, what is the value of -1 * -1? Either it is -1 or +1, and if we say it is + 1, the correct answer will be output 6.

But what if we assumed that (-1 * -1) = -1, what would happen?

Calculate this process (-1) (1 + -1) assuming that multiplying two negative numbers gives a negative number.

(-1) (-1 + -1) = (-1) (1) + (-1) (- 1)

         (-1) (0) = -1 + -1

               0 = -2

Of course, this is wrong at all. Zero is not negative. If you calculate that a negative number multiplied by a negative number gives a positive number, then the result

(-1) (-1 + -1) = (-1) (1) + (-1) (- 1)

         (-1) (0) = -1 + 1

               0 = 0

What is the difference between the UK, Great Britain, England and the British Isles ?!


There are different views on the use of these words concept of conventional, we will clarify the difference between them and show their conventional meanings.
Great Britain
Are islands consisting of three autonomous regions: England, Scotland, and Wales.
Great Britain lies in eastern Ireland and northwest France in the Atlantic Ocean.
United kingdom
Is the official name of the European state that includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are also states but part of the UK. In other words, the United Kingdom is the Union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

British Isles
This is another different term, which includes Great Britain, Ireland Island, and several other small islands such as the Isle of Man.
The Isle of Man is not part of the territory of the United Kingdom or the European Union, although its ruler is the king of the United Kingdom.
League of Nations
The League of Nations is a global organization composed of countries that were formerly British colonies. The members of that organization are politically independent, but they realize that they are under the hegemony of the United Kingdom's ruler. Among them are Australia, Bangladesh, South Africa and others.
Members of the League of Nations
 Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belize, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cyprus, Dominica, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Seychelles, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, , Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Kingdom, Vanuatu, Zambia.

In the twenties and suffer from the emergence of white hair ?! What is the reason and how do you behave?


Always hear about that hair color changed to become like an elegant silver fox fur, but at the age of twenty ?! Sometimes this happens to teenagers and young people where their hair looks gray, or between white and black, either there are some white hairs on the head or the scalp is full of white hair.
What's the reason?
The hair follicles contain pigmented cells that produce melanin and are responsible for giving you the color of your hair. When the body stops producing melanin, the color of the hair appears gray, white, or silver. Melanin also provides moisture, so when it produces a small amount of moisture, the hair becomes dry and loses its brightness.

If your parents or grandparents have gray hair in their youth or early age, this will happen to you too. "There is nothing you can do to stop genes," said David Bank, director of the Center for Dermatology, Beauty and Laser Therapy in Kisco, New York.
Generee Pinabio, a dermatologist in San Diego, California, said race and ethnicity also play an important role in the timing of gray hair. The white-haired people begin gray-haired hair at the age of 35, while the Africans begin to appear at the age of forty, and about 50% of people have half their hair gray at the age of 50.
Non-genetic causes
However, there are also many factors affecting the appearance of gray hair color, such as malnutrition, as it affects the formation of melanin pigment, especially if there is a lack of protein and vitamin B 12, and amino acids with healthy nutrition, your hair becomes firm and strong. There was an old theory that stress and fatigue lead to the appearance of the color of gray hair, but there was no scientific proof of this theory.

Sometimes, because of a disease you have, Benabio said, some autoimmune and genetic conditions have something to do with the color of gray hair, but check with your doctor to make sure there are no thyroid problems leading to vitiligo where some parts of the body and hair become White.
What is the solution?!
There is nothing you can do to stop or slow down the gray hair color, but you can decide what to do with that color, whether you will keep it or get rid of it in any way, or you will beautify it more.

If you want to restore your hair to its original color if it is brown, black, red or blond, simple hair dyes are the only practical solution. If you want to keep it, there is a way to color the hairstyles of hair, which is one of the best solutions. It is a very good way to add a simple glossy color to the dull gray hair that resembles the color of the rat hair, so we can make the white and gray hair clearer and brighter rather than using other colors to conceal it. Many women come to the salon to improve the appearance of their gray hair. Platinum and silver are added to the hair and around the face. The hair turns gray.

What Are Those White Marks on Your Fingernails?


All of us have marks or white spots in our fingernails, rest assured not to worry about these spots of milk; it is a very natural thing.

They are commonly caused by trauma, such as closing the door on your fingers, clicking on it, or biting it. You over time will not remember the reason why they appeared only if you have been closed to the door on your finger certainly will not forget it!

Other reasons for the appearance of these signs may be zinc deficiency, malaria, Hodgkin's disease, or anemia. But these reasons are very rare. The authors of a very specialized book called The Nails in Disease said they often have no real reasons. Or in other words the appearance of white spots does not necessarily mean that you have anemia, anemia or malnutrition may not reflect these spots on something from the ground.

Different types of white dots
There are types of points that you should be interested in, such as a comprehensive bleaching in the entire nail. In this case, consult your doctor because it indicates a health problem that you should take care of such as kidney failure, heart disease or diabetes. Another form is sporadic white lines showing if poisoned by arsenic or thallium.

Why Are Cats So Insanely Afraid Of Cucumbers?


Why Are Cats So Insanely Afraid Of Cucumbers?

Cats are deeply curious creatures. Recent evidence suggests that these tiny lions see us as inessential landlords, or rubbish, fur-lacking kittens. A new internet craze involving our feline companions has unveiled another piece of strange information: For some utterly bizarre reason, they appear to be terrified – utterly terrified – of cucumbers.

In the vast majority of the videos, cat owners are seen sneaking up behind their pets as they’re facing the other way – mostly eating – and placing the green, elongated vegetable behind them. As the cat turns around and spots the unexpected item, it loses its mind, leaps into the air, and gets away from it as fast as it can. In some videos, the cats then engage in a stare down with the cucumber, waiting in vain for it to make its first move.

But the question remains: Why on Earth are cats frightened by these innocuous vegetables?

To be fair, there aren’t any videos of cats seeing a cucumber from a distance and then walking up to interrogate it, so perhaps it’s the unexpected sight of a cucumber behind them that’s frightening, not the cucumber itself: An unexpected pineapple would likely be just as jarring. As it turns out, Dr. Roger Mugford, a specialist in animal behavior, told the Telegraph: “I think that the reaction is due to the novelty and unexpectedness of finding an unusual object secretly placed whilst their heads were down in the food bowl.”

Cats are shown to be suspicious of anything that moves rapidly, makes a lot of noise, or lights up erratically: essentially, anything that they don’t fully understand, which isn’t really that different from most animals, including humans. It’s also worth noting that cats are mostly solitary animals, and humans are as sociable as animals can be – so they’re baffled enough by us as it is. Freaking them out with unexpected cucumbers probably isn’t helping.

“Cats have to be suspicious of the unknown: It could represent the danger of a snake or another predator,” Mugford continued. “I suspect that there would be the same reaction to a model spider, a plastic fish or a human face mask.”

For these reasons you do not get big and strong arm muscles!


All muscles of your body are important, from the chest, back, shoulders and legs, but some athletes suffer from the problem of lack of appearance and growth of some muscles of their body fully or clearly. In this article, we will explain why some people do not get full, or as they wish, biceps muscles.
Errors should be avoided
Excessive exercise: The arm muscles are generally used in the exercise of the rest of the body. You carry the bar to practice your back with your hands, carry the bar to practice your shoulders with your hands, and this is in addition to the separate arm exercises. Exercising your arm too often (5 days a week, for example) will not work, because muscles - as we know - grow on rest days.
Do not eat enough: you will not get the muscles of a large arm as long as you do not get enough protein and food, will not enlarge your muscles in general and you do not pay attention to what you eat. (6 foods help you build muscle)

Wrong arm exercises: When you exercise your arm, focus on the biceps muscle, do not use your body to lift the weight, focus on using the muscle only with your body.

Things to do
Increase your muscle mass in general: There are exercises that increase the size of your muscle mass in the beginning, especially if you are a beginner, such as the exercises of squat (read from here), increasing your muscle mass increases the strength of your body in general.

Relax: Muscles as mentioned earlier grow in rest periods.

Type of exercise: Do not be traditionally in your exercises. Use a variety of exercises and look for new ones to constantly improve muscle performance.

Get enough sleep: This advice is not just about pepsys but about your overall muscles. A sufficient amount of sleep and no sleep helps your muscles relax and grow.

Wednesday, January 25

20 clever trick of psychology can be used in your daily life to gain control of your relationships with others


1. ladies wore red:

According to a study has research at the University of Rochester in New York, men tend to spend more money with the women if they went out together, wearing the color red.

2. Go to the Director solutions instead of problems:

Come all staff problems and few are bringing solutions. Try to submit to the Director by the problems and instead will be paid any attention well and also rewards you.

3. Try silence:

If someone answer your question a bad cold, try to shut up and look directly into his eyes while speaking'll feel difficulty in continuing to speak and silenced.

4. Make people think she loves:

You can use the effect of "Ben Franklin" phenomenon, which states (that the person who did you known to be more willing to do Last Known you more than the person who you Osudaith known.) So when unknown ask someone and do you, will think that he loves because he did this for you know the impact of this effect is Ben Franklin.

5. mention the names of the people too much:

Most of the most charming characters have a habit of using the name often during the conversation with you. So try to remember the name of the person who caused so much it will make them love you more.

6. learn to teach:

One of the best ways to learn and increase academic achievement are taught learning (Learning by teaching), a method used by a French professor named (Jean-Paul Martin) has proven very effective. All you have to do is deal with your friends or colleagues by dividing the courses or materials upon you and every one of you take care of part and begins to explain and teach it to others. Learning teaching makes you able than Tcherha, equip yourself to other people's questions and understand due largely to explain eligibility and simplified.

7. excitement contagious

If you feel nervous about something I have covered some of that feeling of excitement and enthusiasm, and once that feeling moves those around you will end up feeling of nervousness because of the positive responses of their reaction.

8. Touch force:

Touch is a very powerful tool for those who use it improves, gets waiter who mastered the art of non-touch more annoying than any other tip.
If you touch the person who caused touches lightly on the arm or thigh or knee will enhance your words and will make him feel comfortable towards you-without being strange and suspicious to Bataba- touches.

9. Be an active listener:

When you listen to somebody tried to ask clarifying questions and kept his eyes and continues to Display your attention by saying words or small expressions as "Really?" And "AHA" and others.

10. Learn to pause:

Optimal rate to speak or give a speech the word is 3.5 in the second and should be stopped from 4 to 5 times a minute it will help to understand the recipient.

11. Make them feel that you made a settlement:

For example, if you want to $ 10 from someone ask to $ 50 and then when Ajobon rejected the request for $ 10 you'll feel bad for the rejection of the request and would find an opportunity to help and provide the $ 10 immediately.

12. Start Small:

This point is the reverse point number 11 instead of the requested something very likely never request anything can not reject him and ask after it is approved greater than demand something simple after a day or two rejected.

13. Wait until you feel tired:

When you want to make everybody agrees with everything expected refusing to wait while feel tired at this time because the man becomes less able to do mental activities Supreme counterbalance the negatives and positives to the decision it would be easy to approval.

14. no less them they are wrong:

Rather than acknowledge explicitly that the person in front of you is wrong, never talk Balhi agreed with him (common ground) and then explain your point, which varies with the ..zlk will make him listen to you instead of you to feel alienated and rejected without listening to you.

15. Nodding:

Nodding his head is a universal sign means the agreement with the other person. When the gestures of a person is will also goes by making it agreed with you mentally, it will make you able to request known to him in a way easier and more acceptable.

16. Mirror

If you find yourself working with people-permanent anger, place a mirror on the wall behind you that will force them to see themselves in the mirror and begin to feel relaxed.

17. then focus on steps:

Instead of focusing on the target you want to access your focus on the steps that you want to use to reach the ultimate goal, and your mind will come amazing ideas to help you reach it.

18. Use of silence in dealing with anger:

When someone yells or loses his temper while talking to you, but not dealing likewise remain calm and look him in the eyes and they will calm down by 99% - then Btjrepettha-.

19. Use the emotions:

People do not remember you but you remember how they feel your presence during your speech, try to express sincere feelings towards them which will make them love you and feel comfortable to you.

20. In order to request seems a show:

During Teddy Roosevelt's nomination for the presidency in his campaign used three million Mnchoralehm photograph and a copy of his speech and after the electoral campaign period I realized they did not have the right to use that image Vhakogaha was owned by a photographer. Instead of explaining the situation to the photographer whose image, which has the right to demand a lot of money in exchange for use of the image of his reign, made him show they they will just continue using the image and give a very large Almsourchehrh if he agreed to pay $ 250 to the campaign .. and already pay the studio money for the campaign!

What are the proper habits for charging and emptying your phone's battery in order to prolong life in a scientific manner?


Wrong habits spread in the use of smart phone to the detriment of the use of the battery and this is due to erroneous or old information that is no longer valid in the current time.
How do I keep my phone charge on the battery?
Mobilization of battery your smart phone or your laptop to the end and then discharged to the end to kill her so you have to stop this habit, experts Vinsahk charge the battery for up to 80 percent and the separation of electricity for up to 40 percent and then recharging again, and so long as this was the best of your ability, and you should not make it a blank fully only when forced to do so. The idea applies to any device works lithium batteries.

Do you charge the phone for the end of the strip it to the end usually correct?
It is worth mentioning that the charging and discharging the battery to the end, or what is known as the memory of the battery is usually prevalent among mobile users and laptops, the right way in the past when it was related to the batteries (nickel) that are no longer available in most modern devices, Vojhzh laptops and smart phones now use lithium batteries .
Can I use the phone while it's charging?
Use the phone while it's charging the battery will not hurt too much problem with it is the rise in temperature which hurts lithium batteries, you have to maintain the temperature, because the very high temperature kills your battery.

Your charger has the task
Chargers are also become smart cut off power when charging up 100% so as not to go up the battery temperature. There is what is known as trickle charge a very slow start shipping before they are filled with a little battery so as not to overload the temperature rises of fullness and explode. When we talk about lithium batteries lack shipped to the end is the best. And you'll find many of the phone itself that prompts you to remove the charger when the battery skipped 80 percent.

Not to charge the battery for the end mean that I often Soahnha
Of course, some believe that charge the phone once to the end and strip it to the end is better than charging the phone several times behavior. Lithium batteries in your phone has a major problem with overcharging and high temperatures and not with the frequency of shipping.

Languages and software tools are promising, it is the best thing you learned in 2017


If you want to learn programming and one of the most important fields of the future and the present, or you're already a programmer want to increase your abilities and enrich your resume, this article is for you.
Swift is the programming language used to develop and design applications for Apple products, and systems, any OS, such as iPhone. What makes Swift promising language in the 2017 is that it has become at the end of last year under the open source license (Apache License 2.0) allowing programmers the ability to be used on different environments. This is next to the power of language and the continuous rise in the markets and the departure of Objective-C aside.
BHP, are still strong no matter how the years have passed, and what makes them promising perhaps all Aam- is the language resources. PHP has libraries, engines and tires work makes it easier for programmers to end the projects fast and neat manner. This is beside the continuous great support for the language and also provides sources learned a lot.

In an era of software, and development tools themselves have evolved. Araval to work is one of PHP frameworks that we talked about. What makes for a Araval promising in the field of web development, MVC model is offered a quick and safe manner, and this is also next to facilitate Created RESTful APIs to provide Web services to connect to each other dysfunctional systems. (You need to learn the basics of PHP, and HTML learned before).
HTML, and CNN feeds, and JavaScript, are the basics of the Web. If you have experience of this paved road in front of you the tools to learn AngularJS or Angular 2. Onjiulr is the framework of a modern, fast and powerful web based entirely on JavaScript applications. Granted Onjiulr web pages dynamic fantastic may spend hours and days to be performed using only Javascript.
Java of the most widespread and common programming languages, the Android gave a boost may last for years and years. The development of Android-based applications on the Java environment. Of course, JavaScript is not confined to developing applications for Android, they are one of the most important languages ​​are open source, which has the flexibility makes it offers great tools in web development and desktop software, and others.

Programming languages ​​and software development tools are tools. Deal with it this way, it is a tool. Choose what suits you to learn and choose what fits your resume and develop your way. Of course, some languages ​​gives you a better start, Valby HP and Python example is easy for them to start to start using (Ruby). Some languages ​​and tools also gives you features not offered in other languages.

Top 10 Movies 2016


With the ends in 2016, offers you a list of top movies in 2016 to choose whatever you want them to see it, there are many upcoming menus throughout the month of December, for the top 10 films in specific categories Kalrab and Action, drama, etc

Doctor Strange

7.5 / 10
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
The story: a former surgeon nerves begin the healing journey to be drawn in percentage mystical arts.

The Nice Guys

Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime
The story: in 1970 in Los Angeles, two of the investigators looking into the case of a missing girl and the mysterious death of a porn star.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
Story: fear of being Superman works remain unchecked, Batman travels to face it, while the world confused in any kind of heroes really want. .

Finding Dory

Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Story: blue fish permanent oblivion you go on a journey to search for her family, which lost a long time ago, and everyone learns things about the real meaning of the family during the trip.

Suicide Squad


Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Story: secret government agency gathered a group of the most dangerous criminals, villains to form a defensive force the first task is to save the universe from the end of the world.

LaLa Land

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Musical
Story: Jazz pianist falls in love with an ambitious actress in Los Angeles.

Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War

Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
Story: political interference in the activities of "The Avengers" creates disagreement between Captain America and Iron Man.


Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
Story: political interference in the activities of "The Avengers" creates disagreement between Captain America and Iron Man.


Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
The story: A mercenary His sense of humor is subject to the experience makes him a very quick ability to heal to seek revenge.

Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them

Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
The story: Adventure Author "Newt Skamender" in the secret society of magicians in New York before 70 years of reading the Harry Potter book.

Tuesday, January 24

Do you suffer from a cold or the flu? Learn the difference between them


A cold or flu? Are similar to cold symptoms (cold) and influenza frequently and are difficult to differentiate between them. Although Monday viral infections can not be Alajhma with antibiotics, but there are differences between the two diseases and you'll see these differences.

A cold or flu
A cold is less serious than the flu. A cold start by inflammation and pain in the throat, followed by gonorrhea in the nose and cough and cough and high temperature heat and rare slightly among adults but potentially among children. A cold lasts a relatively short period where they are up to a week.

The flu is more virulent and could cause the largest such as pneumonia and commitment of bed for weeks or even hospitalization health problems. Influenza be accompanied by a fever or a high fever and pain in the body and muscles, headache and continuous occurrence of a runny nose or sneezing required, while a cold is commonplace occurrence of sneezing and runny nose. The flu lasts for a longer period of up to two weeks and accompanied by chest pain.

When should you consult a doctor?
- A steady rise in temperature for a long time
- Occurrence of pain when swallowing may be the cause infection in the throat Bictarah
- Severe pain in the chest
- Symptoms persist for long periods

How to protect yourself from the flu and colds?
The most important thing to avoid the flu and colds is to wash your hands thoroughly and on an ongoing basis, and also stay away from the victim and get a flu vaccine, if possible.

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